Other Houses

NEW RELEASE! Didactic Debt Collectors by Other Houses
Another leap in my songwriting and self-production development, I’d say. Five songs about the cognitive dissonance I encountered around the time of turning 30. “Arc of the Arrow” is probably my favorite song I ever wrote. “Jacket’s Creed” took the most time. Brenna and I made a video for “Drab Vocabulary” and it turned out nice!
Aagoo Records
Release Date: July 7, 2023
Stream/download here

Tunneling Into Holidays by Other Houses
Four songs I recorded at my old apartment in New York and house in Hackensack. One came from a half-remembered punk-house show. The next is about the vertiginous feelin of joining the middle class. The one after that is about education below true education. The last one is about being an obsessive nut. You know the drill.
Release Date: January 4, 2023
Stream/download here

Twins Who Fence by Other Houses
Four songs I recorded at my old apartment in New York and house in Hackensack. One came from a half-remembered punk-house show. The next is about the vertiginous feeling of joining the middle class. The one after that is about education below true education. The last one is about being an obsessive nut. You know the drill.
Available on 7” from Aagoo Records.
Release Date: June 4, 2021

Night Classes by Other Houses
One song about apocalyptic grifting. Another about utopian grifting.
Stream/purchase digital download here
Physical release TBD
Release date: 2/1/2021

You’re Always On by Other Houses
Two songs released for charity. Both are about online hypocrisy and groupthink. I’m learning the computer for the first time.
Stream/purchase digital download here
Physical release TBD
Released: July 15, 2020

Funny Papers by Other Houses
A response to sudden grief and the ultimate Other Houses album. The band was me and Mark and Kirk and Ross. Mostly first takes. I can’t really explain what happened in the studio that week but it contains all I can do. I published an essay about it. Start here for sure.
Stream/purchase digital download here
Physical release TBD
Released: February 18, 2019
Delf Records

Fortune Selector by Other Houses
Six power pop songs, full band, all about being invisibly pulled to New York. We just threw up some mics and did it. A good primer, I’d say.
Purchase 12”/CS here
Released: July 14, 2017
Iron Pier Records

Jangle Omega by Other Houses
The all-demos sequel to Zero Sum Defeater nobody asked for. Mellow and odd and lopsided. A peculiar mood.
Listen here
Released: January 24, 2017

Zero Sum Defeater by Other Houses
A Bandcamp-only collection of punchy home demos. Weird sonics but high momentum. Pete Townshend moment.
Listen here
Released December 7, 2016

Fabulous Dates by Other Houses
A really quick and intense LP I still can’t figure out. Harpsichords and wild fuzz and songs about socializing and fun that tear you limb from limb. The weirdest one by far.
Purchase 12”/CD here
Released: November 18, 2016
Aagoo Records

Bad Reputation by Other Houses
The first Other Houses full-length I did and an ode to space, lasers, astronomy and the future. I can’t believe it exists.
Purchase 12”/CD/CS here
Released: November 13, 2015
Aagoo Records